Sunday, November 8, 2020

 Weather was once again the centre of attention this past week. We took full advantage of the mild temperatures and sunny skies! 

Mr. Fontaine conducted music lessons outside as well. He got creative and somehow managed to connect the electronic keyboard to teach patriotic songs to the students. The children immensely enjoyed this outdoor session.

In math, we did a socially-distant hands-on exploration of mass of different objects in the classroom. The students got an opportunity to measure mass using a pan balance and various weights in grams and kilograms. 

Next week, we move onto milliliters and liters. Here's to happy explorations!!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

 There was a shift in weather this week, but we soldiered on. Students enjoyed Pajama and Stuffed Animal Day as their reward. Unfortunately, I don't have pictures as I forgot to take them! I too was having fun with the children. Next time, I will remember to take a few photos. 

In ELA, students learned how to take notes and write a few conclusions based on them. Apes is always an interesting topic to research on! 

In music students leaned about the meaning of the word "piano" and "forte" and what inspired Beethoven to compose the Ninth Symphony. Lot of great things to learn from Mr. Fontaine!

Saturday, October 24, 2020

 It has been just over a month since the first day of school, and I am so happy to say that the students seem to have settled into a room which looks quite different from what they have been used to so far. While the desks are far apart, the children still have many "socially distant" ways of interacting with each other. 

We started our year with a unit on realistic fiction and studied all the four elements of fiction in detail. The students enjoyed learning about character traits and tried their hand at describing their own personalities. I would say they were quite accurate in assessing themselves!

Our next unit is on informational texts. Students examined the difference between fiction and nonfiction and will soon learn how to identify main idea and supporting details. 

In the meantime, we are also working on building up our vocabulary and spelling skills.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Community Reading Day

Deputy Chief Bennet was our community reader this past Friday. He read the book, Thank You Omu! to the students. It was a great picture that talked about the importance of sharing what one has with others. Children enjoyed the book as well as the wonderful insights that Deputy Chief Bennet shared with them. Here are a few pictures from that event.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Valentine Fraction Fun Event

On the eve of Valentine's Day, we had our Fraction Fun event. Students created artwork inspired by  Ed Emberley's  Picture Pies, decorated Valentine Bags, and played games. You guessed right! All these activities were based on fractions, our current unit of study in math.

Ed Emberley Picture Pies

Students used fractional parts of circles ( whole, 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8) to create some beautiful designs. After cutting out the parts, they glued the pieces together to make clowns, dogs, flowers, and walruses to name a few. Amritha and Swati who were the parent volunteers at this station were incredibly patient with the children while the youngsters chose their designs and colors.

Valentine Bag Decoration and Estimation

In preparation of Valentine Exchange, students decorated bags with stickers, doilies, colored pencil, and pompoms. Allison and Stacey led this station and they had the unenviable task of ensuring that supplies lasted for all the students! After the children decorated the bags, they had to estimate the fraction of decorations. They were encouraged to use benchmark fractions such as 1/2, 2/3, and 3/4. Once the fractions were estimated, students recorded their guesses on bag labels. This station challenged students to apply their knowledge of fractions to estimation skills.


This station was wonderfully led by Liz who has a great sense of humor! Students played dice games and worked with tangrams to make heart and other shapes. Liz tried to help students through the challenges and the youngsters truly appreciated her inputs. Mr. Dimen, our new assistant principal joined us and he encouraged students to keep trying as they worked on tangrams.

It was indeed a fun-filled afternoon with loads of learning and laughter. Thanks to all the awesome parent volunteers who made it possible.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Exploring Fractions

We began the unit on fractions with a great hands-on activity. Students worked in groups of three to show fractions using different materials such as construction paper, yarn, and play dough. Each group was assigned a specific fraction to work with and present its work to rest of the class. Children explored fractions such as halves, fourths, sixths, and tenths.

After all the groups were done with their assigned fractions, we conducted a "museum walk" so that they could examine what others had done. It was such a wonderful sight to see students truly appreciate each other's work and take notes on how fractions could be made with diverse materials. 

This week ( 2/9) we will use fractions to make art!

  It's a new year and the excitement is building! 2021-22 will be a momentous year and I know we are all together in this journey.