Sunday, February 9, 2020

Exploring Fractions

We began the unit on fractions with a great hands-on activity. Students worked in groups of three to show fractions using different materials such as construction paper, yarn, and play dough. Each group was assigned a specific fraction to work with and present its work to rest of the class. Children explored fractions such as halves, fourths, sixths, and tenths.

After all the groups were done with their assigned fractions, we conducted a "museum walk" so that they could examine what others had done. It was such a wonderful sight to see students truly appreciate each other's work and take notes on how fractions could be made with diverse materials. 

This week ( 2/9) we will use fractions to make art!

  It's a new year and the excitement is building! 2021-22 will be a momentous year and I know we are all together in this journey.